Something is currently going on and it’ll only be a matter of time before it gets to you or your company! Website owners are being targeted and sued for a law they are ignorant of!
It’s the ‘ADA’ act and WCAG which requires businesses to make accommodations for people with disabilities in ALL their web and digital content.
ADA is an acronym for Americans With Disability Act and WCAG, Website Content Accessibility Guidance. In short, you need to be ADA & WCAG compliant, because authorities aren’t messing around one bit. If you think it’s a game, let me assure you that it’s not. Everything is coming under scrutiny; websites, apps, and PDFs included. All of these are susceptible to lawsuits and litigation.
Text to speech
Dyslexia Friendly
Text magnifier
Text alignment
Epilepsy safe mode
Blindness Mode
Visually Impaired Mode
ADHD Friendly Mode
Dark & Light contrast
High & Low saturation
Text & Title colour
Virtual keyboards
Stop animations
Reading guide
Keyboard navigation
And Many More!
An Online Marketer
A Local Consultant
A Web Developer
An Affiliate Marketer
An Ecommerce Store Owner
A Doctor, Chiropractor etc.
A Local Business Owner
A Realtor
Any Type of Profession
Avoid Nasty and Costly Lawsuits That Suck Your Bank Accounts Dry.
Potentially Rank Higher In The Search Engines With Less Effort.
If you ever thought that the visually impaired, hearing-impaired, and/or the physically challenged don’t use the internet or shop online just like you do, then you need to THINK AGAIN!
Having your website/web contents ADA compliant gives you an easy ‘Foot In The Door’ into this multi-billion dollar disability market!
And, as an even bigger bonus, for those in the United States, you may be eligible for tax credits of up to $5,000 for making your website ADA-accessible! Check with your accountant or tax preparer as to whether you would qualify and for specific instructions on claiming the credit(s).
You’ll have to go through TONS AND TONS of your digital assets HOPING that you’ll get everything compliant on your site.
And even if you take care of current items on your site, what about all the other pages, files, videos, audio files, and more that are lurking in the dark recesses of your server that you’ve forgotten about?
Why not sit back, while we help you get your websites and ALL of your web content ADA compliant in a flash . . .
Let's Bring Our Experience Into Play And Help You Become Compliant Just On Time!
Guess What . . . ADA is Great For SEO Too!
Becoming ADA compliant simply means making your site more accessible . .
Did you know that having an accessible website is so important that Google gives it more relevance than one that isn’t accessible?
So by not having an accessible website for disabled people, you could be losing out on a ton of potential customers which means losing out on more potential revenue.
Just another reason to get your web content to be ADA Compliant now!
And, as an even bigger bonus, for those in the United States, you may be eligible for tax credits for making your website accessible! The U.S. government encourages and supports businesses that adhere to the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) by providing a tax credit. This credit, which can be up to $5,000 a year, can reduce the cost of HaveAnAdaCompliant.Website’s products and services. Reach out to us to find out more
Give us a call today: +1.201.645.0132
Send us an email:
Have An ADA Compliant Website
C/O Business Growth Strategies International, LLC
1393 Palisade Ave, #771, Teaneck, NJ 07666,
Note: We did our best to cover everything required for website compliance and usability according to the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines as laid down by the WCAG standard 2.0 laid down by the W3C Consortium, BUT this may not be 100% enough to meet the complete ADA requirements of your entire business.
Please make sure you get an independent review done by an expert to understand what other measures you might need to take in addition to using this plugin.